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Vishal and Team's plea to government on new GST rules

The government is considering the introduction of the Goods and Service Tax (GST) regimen from the 1st of July and producer council headed by Vishal has submitted a plea to the President of India, marking a copy to the PM and to the Finance Minister.


In this plea, the council has mentioned about the problems faced by the various units in the industry like the producer, distributor and explained that the usual calculation of tax, based on the agreement having a consideration receivable, will not work in respect of the film industry.


They have also sought the continuation of the current system (in the new GST rule) where there is an exemption of the producers in Service Tax, VAT and Entertainment Tax from the state government when they use Tamil titles and when the film gets U certificate. They have sought exemption from the feeding service provider in the new GST regime.


They have requested the fixing rate of GST for each category of films which would help the producers who are always faced with the uncertainty with the results of their films. They have also appealed that the administration of the entertainment tax be vested with the state government so that it will be outside the purview of GST.


Vishal and Team's plea to government on new GST rules

People looking for online information on GST, Producer council, Vishal will find this news story useful.