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Real life incident similar to Nanban delivery scene

At a time when there is blame on films for all the bad things in the society, here is one incident that goes on to prove that there could also be good things through cinema or technology.


Vipin Khadse, a 4th year MBBS student from the Nagpur Government Medical College was travelling by an express train between Ahmedabad-Puri on 7th April, when a lady in his compartment went into labor. Since there was no doctor in the compartment, Vipin jumped into the fray and started helping the woman deliver the child through his doctors’ WhatsApp group.


While talking about this, Vipin was quoted as saying that when he found it difficult to get the head of the baby out, he photographed and sought the advice of his doctors’ friends through WhatsApp, upon whose advice, he was able to deliver a cute baby boy. The family of the woman, naturally, is quite thankful to Vipin.


People have been appreciating the incident and were quick to draw the parallels between a similar scene in 3 Idiots/Nanban.

Real life incident similar to Nanban delivery scene

People looking for online information on Nanban, Vijay, Vipin Gatsi will find this news story useful.