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Rajinikanth talks about the importance of opposition in politics

On the final day of the fans meeting, Superstar Rajinikanth has yet again given a strong speech. He has once again spoken about politics and about how his speech on the first day was variedly received by the people across the state. 

In his conclusion statement, he added, ''Whatever I spoke on Day 1 of this fans meet, I told it to my fans as to how they should behave, in case I enter politics. I didn't expect it to become such a huge controversy. Debates, opposition, support or whatever it may be, without opposition we cannot grow, and in politics, opposition is the key.


After seeing whatever people had commented about me on Twitter and Facebook, I don't feel hurt. Rather I only feel bad for our Tamil people for stooping so low in using some words. People will talk negatively about me, but I don't want any of you to feel bad about it. We can grow in life only through such strong opposition. They should know that they are actually helping us and not putting us down. I have lots of work, all of you also have work to do, so go back and start doing it. When the war starts, we will face it. God is there''. 

To read more about what he had to say, catch the following:

Rajinikanth talks about the importance of opposition in politics

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