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Parthiban on his directorial Koditta Idangalai Nirappuga

Parthiban is known for his out-of-the-box thoughts and will soon be directing a flick titled as Koditta Idangalai Nirappuga. We talked to the man himself to find out details.

Koditta Idangalai Nirappuga
The tagline of the film is – a film with mistakes. I am going to make a film with many faults. You cannot review this film and rate it. The screenplay will be such that there would be gaps and I would leave them to the audience to fill. That’s what the title signifies.

Cast and crew
As of now hero and heroine are yet to be confirmed. We just shot two days with me and Thambi Ramaiah. This is the first time we are working together.

I wanted Arya to be in this film, but he is right now busy with Raghavan’s project. I am looking someone like Arya, fair, handsome and young in contrast to me.


Crowd funding
For the first time in Tamil, Koditta Idangalai Nirappuga will be made on this concept. In Kannada, Lucia was done in this model. It is a little difficult but this could be a scenario that would bring more profits or incur lower loss, but I want to just strike it all with best efforts for the ones who banked hopes on me.


You also will be working in front of the camera. How will you manage?
Marriage is only difficult, but rest can be managed.

What about your roles in other films?
I cannot much talk about it as it is only appropriate that the respective directors speak about it. Suseenthiran told me, “Sir everybody is writing you as a villain in my film. Let it be!” You can take it in either way.

Parthiban signs off mischievously!


Jyothsna Bhavanishankar



Parthiban on his directorial Koditta Idangalai Nirappuga

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