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Irudhi Suttru leads to craze for boxing in Chennai.
With Irudhi Suttru on its way to becoming a supernova, the craze for boxing is reportedly increasing in the city. The bond that Ritika Singh and Madhavan shared in Irudhi Suttru is being adored by public and critics alike. Madhavan’s hunky comeback is appreciated by his female fans and petite Ritika has suddenly become the dream queen for movie fanatics. 
Boxing coaches are super-happy as this is generating monetary income for them.
With cricket being the only sport that is widely sought after in India, this trend is a welcome change. School kids seem to have taken a liking for this sport and have enrolled for regular classes within the first week of the release of the movie. Fitness freaks are also taking to boxing slowly. Trainers state that their clients are seeking out work outs that involve more of boxing lately.
With India being the third most obese country in the world, we hope that this move will help to curb it at least by a drop if not an ounce!


Irudhi Suttru leads to craze for boxing in Chennai.

People looking for online information on Irudhi Suttru, Madhavan, Ritika singh will find this news story useful.