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If you live in Madurai, you would have noticed several banners of Ajith Kumar placed by his fans. There are multiple sets of groups who have been posting banners of Ajith all over the city. Most of these posters ask Ajith Kumar to enter politics. Why should multiple groups come together all of a sudden asking Ajith to enter politics?

To know what Ajith fans think, we got in touch with one of the popular Ajith fans team, Adangatha Ajith Groups. They said, “The current political unrest in Tamil Nadu is bothering us. We do not have a proper leader. When a lot of corrupted politicians are ruling the nation, why shouldn’t a good human being like Ajith who is loved all over Tamil Nadu, rule this state?”

However, Ajith Kumar has never shown any interest in politics nor has he made any comments on politics till date. But you never know what is going to happen tomorrow.

Tags : Ajith

Fans want actor Ajith to enter into politics

People looking for online information on Ajith will find this news story useful.