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Baahubali to be made into a television series

Baahubali: The Conclusion is gearing up for a release in April 2017. Meanwhile, talks have emerged that the story is going to be adapted for a television series something on the lines of Game of Thrones.

We spoke to Shobu Yarlagadda, the producer of Baahubali to check about this and this is what he had to say, “We are working on it. It is not going to be like a daily episode. It will be like a high value seasonal series. Right now, it is in the pre-production stage and nothing is confirmed regarding the broadcaster or the other details. But we are working on it. In all likelihood, this would happen after the release of Baahubali: The Conclusion”.

Baahubali to be made into a television series

People looking for online information on Baahubali, Baahubali TV series, Shobu Yarlagadda will find this news story useful.