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Art director Milan talks about Vivegam

With just 2 days to go for Thala Ajith's spy thriller Vivegam's release, the buzz for the film is hitting the roof. Pre-booking tickets are selling like hot cakes as expected.

Speaking about Vivegam, art director Milan says, "Vivegam was an incredible experience in every way. The script and the scale were much higher and different than anything we have seen before. Being grand is one thing and being international is another thing. But Vivegam is both.

Tamil cinema will be proud of Vivegam. As per the movie's script, we hunted for remote locations where human life is not a regular sight. Shooting in the freezing weather was tough to handle, but the team pulled it off amazingly.

I have followed a particular design pattern for this script which requires an international touch. Ajith sir led the way in efforts and dedication. It was a pure joy and honour to work with him. One can never stop learning from him.

Director Siva gave me ample support and freedom in exploring many artistic aspects of art direction in this movie. His vision and efforts for Vivegam have been unbelievable. I am sure the movie is going to be a marvelous treat and joy to all Ajith sir fans and the rest of the audience ".

Art director Milan talks about Vivegam

People looking for online information on Ajith, Milan, Vivegam will find this news story useful.