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Amala Paul encourages and supports victimized Malayalam actress

In the past three days, we have seen a lot of celebrities come in support of the Malayalam actress who was subjected to molestation in Kerala. Today, a good friend and colleague, Amala Paul came out through her Instagram page to shower encouragement and support to her.

Amala’s post carried an image of the victimized actress and the content read, ‘’Shocked and enraged to hear about such incidents of culprits taking a woman's sanctity for granted! This was one of my biggest fears and now it has happened to my fellow actor. But Bhavana isn't a person to breakdown. Hats off to such an iron lady! She is a true hero who saved other actresses from the same fate by courageously reporting the whole thing to the police!

I stand by you Bhavana. I know you will come back stronger. You are one of the smartest and brave 
person I know and no one can crush the spirit of such a determined being. I request the media to now show some responsibility and do what our law system might not be able to - spread the message, make an example! Show the same interest that you do while investigating the personal life of actors. Bring these henious accused and their families to the forefront so that it leaves an example for anyone who dares to do so and we don't have to lament on these situations.

This is not 
time to just protest on social media but to do something about it. I request the youth of Kerala to make this a rage and protest until we get justice. I am ready to extend all my support and
courage .It's time to act! #IStandByBhavana #Weloveyoubhavana #അഭിമാനമാണ്ഭാവന’’


*Social media post is not spell-checked


Amala Paul encourages and supports victimized Malayalam actress

People looking for online information on Amala Paul, Bhavana will find this news story useful.