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Actor Prithiviraj on the kidnapping of Bhavana

The recent harrowing act involving actress Bhavana had shocked everyone around and it once again bares the unsafe state in which the women of today live in.

Actor Prithviraj in his social media page laments about the shameful event and also expresses his thoughts to Bhavana. 

“Woke up today morning to the horrifying news that has by now been reported, misreported and sensationalised. As disturbing as it was, I refrained from saying something on what happened to one of the most beautiful girls I know because I knew whatever I or any one among our fraternity say, will only be fodder to click baits and TRP mongering. By now, all that can be said about the security of women in our "matriarchal/matrilineal" God's own country has already been said. And yes..as a man who has to share the responsibility of a society that bears this shame, I hang my head! But please..the most we can collectively do at this moment..is to respect the guts of this girl. I was supposed to start work with her in a week, and she told me that she'd like not to come back in front of the camera so soon..and so is pulling out of the film. I know this girl..I know how brave she is...if it's affected her enough to make her stay away from what she loves the most..I can only imagine how harrowing it must have been. Yes..please let us have an effective investigation in place and please let's bring the bastards to justice asap..but please..let us also not allow anyone..ANYONE..to celebrate someone else's misfortune. WITH YOU BHAVANA...will look forward to hanging with you as soon as you're up to it..and yeah..be who you are..and don't let today dictate the rest of your life. Love always..Prithvi.

PS: Please spare me the "English Medium" jokes on this one. Thanks"


*Social media update is not spell-checked

Actor Prithiviraj on the kidnapping of Bhavana

People looking for online information on Bhavana, Prithiviraj will find this news story useful.