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A compilation of Arvind Swami's Twitter chat session with fans

Arvind Swami, who is awaiting the release of Bogan, engaged in a Twitter chat session with his fans. Here are a few interesting tidbits from the 20-minute long session.

What is your success formula in life?
Perseverance. Never give up.

Your upcoming projects?
Sadhuranga Vettai 2, Vanangamudi and a couple of others which will be announced by the producers.

Why didn't you speak in Telugu for Dhruva?
I could have tried but I did not want my accent to distract from the performance or the movie...will definitely do in future.

Which is your favorite movie?
Pulp fiction tops the list.

Dear Dad or Thani Oruvan? Which was more challenging?
Dear Dad

Beer or Whiskey sir?
Neither, I hardly consume alchohol...don't seem to enjoy it anymore.

Tell us something about Sathuranga Vettai 2 and Trisha?
It's turning out to be a very interesting film, is great working with Trisha.

From whom did you get the best compliment for Thani Oruvan.
From my director Mohan Raja and my bro Jayam Ravi.

What is your biggest achievement in life?
Raising my kids

Your favorite play station game?

A compilation of Arvind Swami's Twitter chat session with fans

People looking for online information on Arvind Swami, Bogan, Dhruva, Sathuranga Vettai 2, Thani Oruvan will find this news story useful.