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Actress Ileana D’Cruz eve teased by six men

Actress Ileana D’Cruz made a shocking statement on her Twitter. The actress wrote "It’s a pretty shitty world we live in. I’m a public figure. I understand that I don’t have the luxury of a private & an anonymous life. But that doesn’t give any man the right to misbehave with me. Don’t confuse “fan antics” with that. I am a WOMAN at the end of the day."

According to reports, the latest insight we hear about her anger is that the actress who was promoting her upcoming Bollywood film was stuck in the midst of six fans who allegedly misbehaved with her and the actress who was annoyed by such act burst out her anger on her Twitter page and wrote about it. Talking about the incident to a popular publication Ileana said that her car stopped at a traffic signal and a group of six men in a car that had stopped next to her’s started misbehaving after realizing it was her in the car. The six men begun to bang her car, shout her name loud, and one of them even went to the top bonnet and started to scream. Ileana claimed such act as mere eve-teasing and is highly disappointed. 


'Ileana's tweet not spell-checked.'


Actress Ileana D’Cruz eve teased by six men

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